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Software development for the Internet


Software Engineer

In my 26+ years of experience in this industry I have covered most aspects of Internet development including consulting, website architecture design, web application development, database design and administration, server configuration and administration, performance optimisation for medium and high traffic websites, as well as project management for small, medium and large scale projects.

Although my initial background was the LAMP stack, that is Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP, in 2013 I started to transition towards the emerging javascript frameworks, as a result these days I'm specialised in Node/Express, Angular and React/Redux. HTML, CSS, web standards, accessibility are skills equally important that I also keep up-to-date.

Ultimately I enjoy the balance that is the result of doing both front and back-end development, that's how I ended up being a full-stack developer.

I firmly believe technology is neither good or bad (those are Human attributes!), it's all about how we use it and to me it is meant to make our everyday life easier, I do my best to reflect this in the work I deliver.

Keywords: Javascript, Node/Express, React/Redux, Typescript, Angular, JQuery. AWS, serverless. Mobile, Electron, Phonegap, Ionic. LAMP, OO PHP, Shell scripting, MySql, PostgreSQL, MS Sql, database design. Zend. Symfony. HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS, SASS, LESS. Drupal 5, 6 and 7, Drupal theming, Drupal deployment, Drush. TDD, Cucumber, BDD. GIT, SVN, CI (Jenkins, Hudson, TeamCity, Travis). Apache, Nginx, Linux, server administration. Optimisation and performance (caching, memcache, boost, varnish), maintenance tools. SEO. E-commerce, third party integration, REST, SOAP. Agile development method. Photoshop, PSD to HTML, JPG to HTML. End to end development, back and front-end development, responsive design.


I developed my first website in 1996. In 1999 developing for the Internet became my full-time profession.

Current position

Web Practice Lead / Karmarama
August 2021 to present

An opportunity to create a brand new front-end team and propose the guidelines for an optimal practice. The use of the industry's best practices together with a solid process are currently work in progress.

Lead Software Engineer / Napster Group (f.k.a. MelodyVR)
April 2018 - June 2021

I joined MelodyVR (currently Napster Group) to help building their back-end services and infrastructure using AWS and serverless technologies together with Node.js, MySql and other Javascript technologies. Subsequently I led the ongoing development and maintenance of the CMS and CRM platforms, including both front and back-end. I was also involved in some of Melody’s essential projects, including the mobile app, the voucher redemption website, data ingestion tools and more.

Senior software developer / Olive Jar Digital
May 2017 to April 2018

I joined a team of developers, testers and UX designers to work on a project for the Department for Education. The chosen stack was Node.js and Express for the back-end and API and Angular for the front-end, together with the pure HTML and jQuery (part of GOV.UK Digital Service Standard toolkit). MongoDB and MSSQL were the chosen databases.

Senior full-stack developer /
August 2016 to May 2017

An opportunity to work on a variety of platforms and projects. While in this role I was able to contribute with my knowledge of LAMP stack and Drupal framework as well as getting more experience in technologies such as React.js, Node.js and Angular.

Senior software developer / BBC iPlayer Radio
November 2015 to August 2016

A full-stack role involving the implementation of a wide range of classic technologies such as pure Javascript, PHP, Silex, HTML/SASS/CSS with a TDD. I joined the iPlayer Radio team to contribute in the development of new software and maintenance of the existing code base.

Check out some of the new Radio homepages:

Senior full-stack developer / Unipro Group
August to September 2015

I joined a team of web developers to produce and maintain a wide range of projects, in this case the chosen platform was Drupal 7 (PHP/jQuery/HTML/SASS).

Software developer / Camelot Group
March to August 2015

I was hired to join the team in charge of developing a new mobile app for the National Lottery. The chosen technologies for this project were Node.js/Express, Angular, Jasmine, HTML, CSS/SASS, Javascript, PhoneGap and Ionic.

Full-stack developer / BBC iBroadcast
October 2014 to February 2015

As a full stack developer I contributed to the continuous development and maintenance of iBroadcast publishing tools, focusing mainly on Javascript/jQuery and OO PHP/Zend. I was also involved in developing new tools that were to be launched in 2015.

Full-stack web developer / Wagstaffs Design
July to October 2014

Wagstaffs Design was in need of a developer capable of delivering an end-to-end solution. The challenge was creating an interactive map on large screens for the Mall of Berlin which was resolved in the form of a 3D Unity map integrated to a Drupal site with a complex jQuery layer. I assessed the project, re-developed 85% of it and delivered it as expected.

I also helped the agency to set-up a Linux based development environment at their office and to start using an Agile approach on their projects.

Full-stack developer / Full Fat Things
May to July 2014

I was hired to work on the analysis and prototype code to migrate Croner-I products into Drupal 7 platform. The content was provided in XML Smart Content format, the approach for the migration was a Drush command combined with OO, Drupal compliant PHP code.

Full-stack web developer / BBC World Wide
September 2013 to May 2014

I joined the World Service Responsive team which was in charge of developing a set of brand new responsive websites for BBC News in 29 languages. A mobile-first, progressive enhancement approach was adopted to develop a fresh and modern user experience for more than 1200 devices. The technologies used where pure Javascript, Node.js (for internal tools), PHP, HTML, CSS, SASS (TDD)

Here are some of the sites:

BBC News language sites on responsive was the People's Voice Winner in 2014, have a look:

Web Developer (Drupal team) / Haymarket Media Group
March 2012 to September 2013

This role involved front and back-end development as well as server configuration and fine-tuning, all in an Agile development environment.

Our achievements include:

Drupal Developer / Zone
August 2011 to March 2012

For Public Zone my main responsibility was finishing The Urban Gateway. I took over the development of this United Nations website first by fixing existing bugs and architecture problems and then by expanding the functionality to meet the client's requirements.

Amongst the websites delivered are:

Web developer / Brainstorm Design
February 2011 to March 2012

For Brainstorm Digital I did a variety of work that included developing Drupal websites from scratch based on flat designs, working on existing Drupal websites to expand their functionality, an example of the latest is the Jewish Historical Society of England, for them I built a Drupal module to convert a PDF book into nodes (web pages), all linked by a main index and other standard navigation.

Finally, I also worked in modifying and extending a complex PHP/MySql custom built CMS that is being used by several of their clients.

LAMP and Drupal Developer / Firechaser Ltd
December 2008 to March 2011

Firechaser Ltd (acquired in 2012 by Made Media) specialised in developing Drupal websites integrated to Tessitura, a ticketing software system. Their main clients were large venues such as the Southbank Centre, Roundhouse (Camden Town), King's Place, Rose Theatre (Kingston upon Thames), Wigmore Hall, Cheltenham Festival, Newcastle National Theatre, Shetland Islands Boxoffice, Young Vic, Grange Park Opera and more. For each of these clients we designed and delivered state-of-the-art Drupal websites that offer online ticket purchase and reservations to their customers.

My responsibilities involved amongst others: continuous development and maintenance of Drupal modules and submodules to integrate Tessitura into our websites; integration of different e-commerce solutions such SagePay and TNS; development and implementation of an intuitive and friendly checkout process and in general all aspects of the web development process, including dealing directly with clients to provide advice, support and integral solutions.

Some of the websites delivered:

Not enough? Check my LinkedIn profile


I am constantly upgrading my skills, currently these are the core ones.

  • Pure Javascript
  • Node / Express
  • Angular
  • React (with Redux and other popular libraries)
  • jQuery and popular libraries (_underscore, Ramda, etc.)
Technology stacks
  • MEAN - MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node
  • MERN - MongoDB, Express, React, Node
  • LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP
  • HTML (HTML5)
  • CSS
  • MySql
  • MsSql
  • PostgreSql
  • Mongo DB
  • Cosmos DB
  • Jasmine (and popular libraries)
  • Protractor for Angular
  • Enzyme for React
  • Cucumber
  • Unit testing


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